Welcome to Community Presbyterian Church of Planview, MN. Our church is located at 505 W Broadway in Plainview. Our Sunday morning worship is at 10:00 am with coffee fellowship following.  Choir and youth programs meet Wednesday nights during the school year. Click on the above links to learn more. Thank you for visiting us.


We need volunteers!  Could you be a liturgist, greeter, or provide coffee fellowship after worship on Sunday?  Maybe you want to help run the sound system or the slide show! 


Contact the church office or talk to a Deacon to sign up for a Sunday that fits your schedule.

Pumpkin Spice with Jesus Christ

We have resumed our schedule!  5:45 arrival, 6:00 meal, 6:30 group activity


Choir has resumed!  We practice every Wednesday evening at 6:00pm.  Please consider joining the choir, we have some fun music to prepare for worship.  All are welcome!




We are streaming worship live on our YouTube channel!

You are welcome to join us as we worship together at 10:00 a.m. 

Click the image link at left.

Worship: 10:00 - Worship in the Sanctuary

               Livestream on Youtube

Office Hours: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Monday-Thursday

505 W Broadway

Plainview, MN 55964

Phone: (507) 534-2298

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